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Rozanne Henzen
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Published research: Individual Sustainability Leadership
Executive Summary Antwerp Management School and the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) have joined forces to conduct research on...
Rozanne Henzen
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Published research: Increasing Consumer Participation in Textile Disposal Practices
Increasing Consumer Participation in Textile Disposal Practices: Implications Derived from an Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour on...
Rozanne Henzen
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Kogan Page: Building resilience while transitioning to circularity
The circular economy can play an important part in building resilience to future crises, to survive shocks and live through disruptions...
Rozanne Henzen
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HRmagazine: Geen duurzaamheid zonder duurzaamheidsleiderschap
Veel bedrijven noemen duurzaamheid een topprioriteit, maar hebben toch moeite om echte vooruitgang te boeken. Meer aandacht voor ...
Rozanne Henzen
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The only way forward is going circular
In 2019 over 750 global experts and decision-makers were asked to rank their biggest concerns in terms of likelihood and impact. For the...
Rozanne Henzen
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AMS blog:The coronavirus presents the fashion industry with a chance to rethink and reset its values
The cover of Vogue Italy’s April issue is white in response to the coronavirus: their next April issue should be green. White is used as...
Rozanne Henzen
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AMS blog: The vision of 15 sustainability experts on individual sustainability leadership
This is the second of two blogs on the joint research between Antwerp Management School (AMS) and the European Petrochemical Association...
Rozanne Henzen
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AMS blog:Characteristics, Competencies and Employee Benefits of Individual Sustainability Leadership
Antwerp Management School (AMS) and the European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) have joined forces to conduct research on the nature...
Rozanne Henzen
3 minuten om te lezen
2X Most Sustainable Jeans Ever
It is only the third month of 2018, but already two companies have claimed to launch the most sustainable jeans ever. Confusing, right?...
Rozanne Henzen
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Thrift to make the shift!
An article from Business Insiderstates that in the USA, millennials are ditching fast fashion to buy secondhand and vintage. The trend...
Rozanne Henzen
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Wow! Fiber-sort of amazing!
The Fibersort technique is able to automatically sort large volumes of mixed post-consumer textile waste based on fiber composition,...
Rozanne Henzen
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Key takeaways EU visit: circular economy
To Fast-track the circular economy in the EU the next commission benefits from “Europe's first-mover advantage". They do not have to...
Rozanne Henzen
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Rent and lend from home
I stumbled upon this NYC based start-up called Style Lend.  An online clothing library where you can rent and lend your own wardrobe. The...
Rozanne Henzen
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ThredUP: 'Secondhand Clothes. Firsthand Fun.'
I absolutely love the idea behind this secondhand platform. Besides shopping secondhand for an affordable price, and the option to sell...
Rozanne Henzen
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Infofilmpje NOS: textielafval (NL)
Ik kwam onlangs een leuk, informatief filmpje tegen van de NOSop3Â over textielafval. In samenwerking met Sympany wordt er verteld over de...
Rozanne Henzen
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Internship: Cilotex
Woohooo! I'm super excited to announce that from the start of February I will be a research assistent at the Cilotex project (Circular...
Rozanne Henzen
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Research: A New Textiles Economy
I haven't had the time to read through the whole report, but I did read the summary with their most important findings, which are very...
Rozanne Henzen
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Research: The Dutch Clothing Mountain
Very interesting report about the use and reuse of textile products in the Netherlands. Especially interesting findings for me are about...
Rozanne Henzen
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Common Objective the Intelligent Business Network for the Fashion Industry
"Common Objective (CO) is an intelligent business network for the fashion industry. Our technology matches members with the connections...
Rozanne Henzen
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No Boycott, but Buycott
It's not a boycott, it's a buycott! 'Rather than just saying no to brands that conflict with our values, we can also buy from brands that...
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